Clinic Information
Bigelow Fowler Clinic Information
Appointments are available by calling one of our clinics. For non-emergency appointments please call our office a few days ahead. Presently we are often booked three to ten days in advance. During the day, all visits at all sites are by appointment only. While appointments are booked in advance, we do reserve a few times each day for emergencies, sudden severe illnesses or urgent single issue appointments. When this is the case, please do not hesitate to call our office and explain your situation so that you can be seen as soon as possible. If your previously booked appointment is delayed because of an emergency, we ask that you please be patient. Remember, you may need the same attention should you encounter an emergency situation.
Calling the Clinics
Our busiest telephone time is between 9:00 and 11:30am. For non-emergency problems, please try to call between 2:00 and 4:00pm.
Patient Confidentiality
We do our utmost to ensure that all aspects of your visit, treatment and medical records remain confidential. When you book your appointment, our staff member will ask you the reason for your visit so that an adequate amount of time can be scheduled. This is especially important if you are a first time patient, if you require a complete examination, a driver's medical, a first pre-natal or a counselling session.
Services Not Covered by Alberta Health Care
Certain medical services are not insured by Alberta Health Care. For further information please call the Clinic.