Infant (Neo-Natal) Circumcision
Newborn circumcision can be booked at the Bigelow Fowler West location. This can be done by self-referral OR by a referral from your physician. Albert Health Care no longer covers the cost of this procedure so there is a $175.00 physician and tray fee, that is payable on the day of the appointment.
Circumcisions will be performed on infants 30 days old or less post birth, or 44 weeks or less post conception, whichever is oldest. (If your baby was born premature, the maximum age for eligibility is based on the 44 weeks post conception).
Appointments are booked through the Bigelow West Referral nurse (403-381-8444) and are for early mornings during the week.
All neo-natal circumcisions will be performed using local anesthetic and newborn patients and their parents will have to stay in the clinic for observation for a minimum of one hour following the procedure.